in chaos
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On this day we will be celebrating communion and baptizing two fabulous children in our community. I came to think this time around (my 50th? baptism) that Baptism is really a dance between a grace-abundant God and we wandering, yet attached humans. Here are the results:
Leader: All life is a call and response, a dance between God and us. God calls us into being, knitting us together in our mother's womb. How we then live is our response to God. Leader: God calls us to LOVE: to plunge ourselves into the hurt and the joy, to give ourselves fully and vulnerably to relationships. People: God calls me this day! Leader: God call us to GRACE: to forgive before a sorry is spoken, to seek reconciliation, to learn a person's whole story first. People: God calls me this day! Leader: God calls us to DANCE: to follow the path that is set before us and to wander, to remember we belong to God and to each other, to journey along confidently, knowing God is with us, yet choosing our own destination. People: God calls me this day! Leader: God calls us to COMMUNITY: to gather to pray, speak the good news, bind broken hearts, celebrate, and share the journey! People: God calls me this day! Leader: On this day, God calls us to gather at the table, to share in this meal for all of God's children and to celebrate Kasie and Jakob's baptism. People: God calls US this day! Leader: Amen! People: Amen!
Abby HenrichRev. Abigail A Henrich (ehm!) is an ordained minister who earned her stripes at Princeton Theological Seminary and Colgate University. That said, Abby is really a mother-pastor-spouse who lives in a kinetic state of chaos as she moves from her many vocations: folding laundry, preaching, returning phone calls, sorting lunch boxes, answering e-mails, and occasionally thinking deep thoughts in the shower. Unabashedly she is a progressive Christian who believes some shaking up has got to happen in the church. Categories
January 2025