Written in community by the folks at Grace to describe just who and what we are: An authentic community of God’s beloved people who extend radical welcome to all who find themselves broken and imperfect just like the rest of us. Together we find connection and fellowship with others interested in seeking justice, rejecting tired out religious rules (and committees), curiously examining the stories of Jesus, serving those in need, offering compassion to those rejected and deemed “misfits, and seeking Jesus’ law of love in every corner of our lives. @Grace there is a deep belonging as we hold one another up in life’s unpredictable pain and joy. We desire to include others in that circle of belonging. And did we mention we love puppies and children.
When Jesus showed up at the lake shore, where a band of fishermen were mending their nets, he didn't do a background check on his soon to be followers. Instead he said only two words "Follow me."
To be a disciple of Jesus Christ means following Jesus even though it is often uncertain and even ludicrous and always treacherous. The fishermen, who later witnessed the risen Christ on that first Easter morning, had no assurances as they followed Jesus through the dusty Galilean countryside or sat at the foot of his cross. They received only an invitation: Follow me.
Two thousand years later we receive the same invitation daily. We are a community emerging from this invitation, as a gathering of those trying to follow Jesus (even though on most days we do an imperfect job). Church should not be about buildings, fund raisers, committees, and certainly not about who is in and who is out. Church is about discipleship; discipleship is about following. For these reasons we have decided not to be your grandmother's church, but an emergent christian community filled with disciples.
We are doubting believers and questioning seekers, old and young, retired or overworked, single, married, partnered, rich, poor, tall, short, gay, straight, black, brown, white, trans, queer, able bodied, wheel chair bound. We are long time church members, seekers, Catholics, new to faith, scientists, stay at home parents, students, dancers, frazzled, centered. We are those who have responded to Jesus’ invitation to follow. We are God's disciples.